Duty & Taxes Free Calculation

Thanks to this free API, you could calculate the duty & taxes from your main product / default HSCode to every countries.

Requirement : To use this API for free, you have to create an account on the transiteo web app, subscribe to a plan and configure your data settings. The consumption is free.

Duty & Taxes calculation

GET https://api.transiteo.io/v1/taxsrv/freedutyCalculation

This endpoint allows you to calculate duty & taxes for your default product in all countries.







"your id_token"

    "DutyAmount": number,
    "VatAmount": number,
    "SpecialTaxesAmount": number,
    "global": {
        "amount": number
"timestamp": number

Request body

  "products": [
        "quantity": number,
        "weight": number,
        "weight_unit": "string",
        "unit_price": number,
        "currency_unit_price": "string",
  "to_country": "string",

Request fields

"products" / "quantity"

You need to fill the "quantity" field with a entire number representing your product units. Examples : 1 or 9 Type : number Required : yes

"products" / "weight"

You need to fill the "weight" field of the product with a number. Examples : 12 or 3.5 Type : number Required : yes if "unit_ship_price" and "currency_unit_ship_price"are not mentionned. Or if you request Switzerland in "from_country".

"products" / "weight_unit"

You can fill the "weight_unit" field with one of this two labels : - "kg" : if you use the international metric system - "lbs" : if you use the imperial system Type : string Required : yes if "unit_ship_price" and "currency_unit_ship_price"are not mentionned. Or if you request Switzerland in "from_country".

products" / "unit_price"

You need to fill the "unit_price" field with a number representing the price of one product. Examples : 39 or 99.90 Type : string Required : yes "products" / "currency_unit_price"

You need to fill the "currency" field of the product with a currency iso Alpha 3. Download the list of currencies with them name and code. Examples : "EUR" Type : string Required : yes


You need to fill this field with the ISO Alpha 2 or 3 Code of the country. Download the list of countries. Type : string Required : yes

Response json Format

    "duty_amount": number,
    "vat_amount": number,
    "special_taxes_amount": number,
    "global": {
        "amount": number
    "timestamp": number

Response fields


The value is the amount price of customs duties Examples : 10 or 3.5 File type : number


The value is the amount price of locales taxes (VAT, GST, ...) Examples : 10 or 3.5 File type : number


The value is the amount price of specials taxes (OM, OMR, ...) Examples : 10 or 3.5 File type : number

"global" / "amount"

The value is the amount prices of customs duties + locales taxes + specials taxes Examples : 10 or 3.5 File type : number

JSON Examples - Request & Response

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