Infos to get the product's certificat of origin
"authority_signature_city": string,
"authority_signature_date": string,
"certification": string,
"coo_id": string,
"date": string,
"invoice_id": string,
"mean_of_transports": string,
"officiel_use": string,
"origin_country": string,
"product_brand": string,
"product_id": string,
"product_origin": string,
"product_package_id": string,
"product_quantity": number,
"product_title": string,
"receiver_address": string,
"receiver_city": string,
"receiver_country": string,
"receiver_name": string,
"receiver_zipcode": string,
"route": string,
"seller_address": string,
"seller_city": string,
"seller_country": string,
"seller_name": string,
"seller_zipcode": string,
"to_country": string,
"signature": string, // URL of a picture (png, jpg, svg)
"signature_authority": string // URL of a picture (png, jpg, svg)
"id": string,
"signed_url": url,
"lang": string,
"expireTime": timestamp,
"date": timestamp
View of Certificat of origin