Taxes refund or discount

Obsolete endpoint

Infos to get the REP or REM document


This endpoint allows you to get the REP or REMP document


    "id": string,
    "signed_url": url,
    "lang": string,
    "expireTime": timestamp,
    "date": timestamp

JSON Request Format

    refund_tax: boolean,
    discount_tax: boolean,
    id_custom_documents: string,
    name_sender: string,
    job_sender: string,
    name_custom_office: string,
    company_name_sender: string,
    adress_sender: string,
    zipcode_sender: string,
    city_sender: string,
    country_sender: string,
    eori_id_sender: string,
    name_agent: string,
    company_name_agent: string,
    adress_agent: string,
    zipcode_agent: string,
    city_agent: string,
    country_agent: string,
    eori_id_agent: string,
    adress_custom_office: string,
    zipcode_custom_office: string,
    city_custom_office: string,
    release_true: boolean,
    release_false: boolean,
    attached_documents: string,
    request_fulfillment_true: boolean,
    request_fulfillment_false: boolean,
    product_hscode: string,
    product_quantity: string,
    product_price_total: string,
    product_value: string,
    amount_refund: string,
    duties_type: string,
    legal_basis_117_a: boolean,
    legal_basis_118_b: boolean,
    legal_basis_119_c: boolean,
    legal_basis_120_d: boolean,
    legal_basis_116_1_e: boolean,
    name_product_warehouse: string,
    adress_product_warehouse: string,
    zipcode_product_warehouse: string,
    city_product_warehouse: string,
    country_product_warehouse: string,
    refund_description: string,
    name_bank: string,
    adress_bank: string,
    zipcode_bank: string,
    city_bank: string,
    country_bank: string,
    country_custom_office: string,
    date: date,
    place: string,
    signature: url
    lang: string

JSON Response Format

    "id": string,
    "signed_url": url,
    "lang": string,
    "expireTime": timestamp,
    "date": timestamp

View of Taxes refund or discount document (pdf)

Last updated