1. value in json is not recognized or incorrecta) Possible causes : Lang is required and should be fill with one of these values from_country should be ISO3 to_country should be ISO3 shipment_type should be one of these values global_ship_price is not a number currency_global_ship_price not string and has more than 3 charif pro : currency_revenue_country_annual should be string with max 3 char revenue_country_annual should be number activity_id should be string ReqProduct : identification :typeidentification should be fill with one of these values value should not be empty weight should be positive number weight_unit should be one of these values unit (optional) should be numberif unit unit_types should be one of these values quantity should be min 1 unit_price should be positive unit_ship_price or global ship price should be a number currency_unit_price should be max 3 charif not global_ship_price Transport typeshould be fill with one of these values id should not be emptyb) Error Response Example:{"code": "INCORRECT_JSON","httpCode": 400,"name": "ClientError","message": "Requête Json incorrecte","details": [ {"parameter": {"name":"Product","value": {"value":"TEXT","type":"Voiture de sport" } },"causes": ["[\"quantity must not be less than 1\",\"quantity must be an integer number\"]" ] } ]}2. Invalid HSCODE (hscode has whitespace)a) Response{"code": "INCORRECT_JSON","httpCode": 400,"name": "ClientError","message": "This is not a valid hs17 code","details": []}3. Not a barcode{"code": "NOT_BARCODE","httpCode": 400,"name": "ClientError","message": "This is not a valid barcode","details": []}
1. Max requests exceed{"code": "MAX_REQUESTS_EXCEED","httpCode": 403,"name": "ClientError","message": "You've reached the max requests authorized for your account. Please contact our service to upgrade your account","details": [ {"parameter": {"name":"UserRequests","value":"${leftCredits}" },"causes": ["Max requests authorized for your account is ${capacity}. Left credits is ${leftCredits}" ] } ]}2.TRIAL_LIMIT_EXCEED{"code": "TRIAL_LIMIT_EXCEED","httpCode": 403,"name": "ClientError","message": "You have exceeded the trial limit. Please contact our service to upgrade your account","details": [ {"parameter": {"name":"UserTrialLimit","value":"${validity} days" },"causes": ["User trial is limited to ${validity} days of usage" ] } ]}
1.Product.identification.value not found in our system{"code": "PRODUCT_NOT_FOUND","httpCode": 404,"name": "BusinessError","message": "Cannot find product with barcode, Hs17, or Text","details": [ {"parameter": {"name":"product.identification.value","value":"<productFromClient>" },"causes": ["productFromClient was not identified in the database" ] } ]}2.CATEGORY_NOT_FOUNDwithbarcode (Did not find category from CATEGORY_DYNAMO with dynamoProduct.node){"code": "CATEGORY_NOT_FOUND","httpCode": 404,"name": "ClientError","message": "No category data found for categoryCode","details": []}3. Machine Learning did not recognize text (maybee text with special characters or text is a barcode){"code": "TEXT_NOT_FOUND","httpCode": 404,"name": "ClientError","message": "Did not find your text in our database","details": []}4. Duty not found. Happened when both below return nothing : findDuty(toCountry.iso3,`${hsCodeDesignation.reporter_hscode}#${fromCountry.iso3}`)consths06=hsCodeDesignation.reporter_hscode.substr(0,6)findDutyBeginsWithHsCode(toCountry.iso3, hs06,fromCountry.iso3){"code": "DUTY_NOT_FOUND","httpCode": 404,"name": "BusinessError","message": "No duty data found","details": []}
{"code": "UNEXPECTED_ERROR","httpCode": 500,"reason": "Please try again or contact our service",}
It exist many possibilities. Please book a call with our support team.
Request fields & values
"products" / "identification" / "type"
You need to fill this field with HSCODE.
Examples : HSCODE
Type : string
Required : yes
"products" / "identification" / "value"
You need to fill this field with a product's HSCode of "to_country". Between 8 to 13 digits numbers.
Examples : 9503006100
Type : string
Required : yes
"products" / "weight"
You need to fill the "weight" field of the product with a number.
Examples : 12 or 3.5
Type : number
Required : yes
"products" / "weight_unit"
You can fill the "weight_unit" field with one of this two labels :
- "kg" : if you use the international metric system
- "lbs" : if you use the imperial system
Type : string
Required : yes
"products" / "quantity"
You need to fill the "quantity" field with a entire number representing your product units.
Examples : 1 or 9
Type : number
Required : yes
"products" / "unit_price"
You need to fill the "unit_price" field with a number representing the price of one item.
Examples : 39 or 99.90
Type : number
Required : yes.
"products" / "currency_unit_price"
You need to fill the "currency_unit_price" field of the product with a currency iso Alpha 3.
Download the list of currencies with them name and code.
Examples : "EUR" or "CAD"
Type : string
Required : yes
"products" / "unit_ship_price"
You need to fill the "unit_ship_price" field of the product with a number.
Examples : 19 or 34.37
Type : number
Required : yes if you fill "shipment_type" with ARTICLE.
"products" / "unit_packaging_price"
You need to fill the "unit_packaging_price" field of the product with a number.
Examples : 19 or 34.37
Type : number
Required : yes if you fill "shipment_type" with ARTICLE.
"products" / "unit_insurance_price"
You need to fill the "unit_insurance_price" field of the product with a number.
Examples : 19 or 34.37
Type : number
Required : yes if you fill "shipment_type" with ARTICLE.
"products" / "group_shipping_price"
You need to fill the "group_shipping_price" field with a number representing the shipping price of all products.
Examples : 39 or 99.90
Type : number
Required : Yes if you fill "shipment_type" with GROUP.
"products" / "group_packaging_price"
You need to fill the "group_shipping_price" field with a number representing the packaging price of all products.
Examples : 39 or 99.90
Type : number
Required : Yes if you fill "shipment_type" with GROUP.
"products" / "group_insurance_price"
You need to fill the "group_shipping_price" field with a number representing the insurance price of all products.
Examples : 39 or 99.90
Type : number
Required : Yes if you fill "shipment_type" with GROUP.
"products" / "origin_country"
You need to fill the "origin_country" field with the Iso Alpha 2 or 3 code from where the product had build.
Download the list of countries.
Examples : "FRA" or "VEN"
Type : string
Required : no. If you don't fill this field, we will consider that the country of "origin_country" is the country of "from_country".
"products" / "from_country"
You need to fill the "from_country" field with the Iso Alpha 2 or 3 from where the product is sent.
Download the list of countries.
Examples : "CHN"
Type : string
Required : yes
"products" / "to_country"
You need to fill the "to_country" field with the Iso Alpha 2 or 3 from where the product arrives.
Download the list of countries.
Examples : "GLP"Type : string
Required : yes
"products" / "to_district"
You need to fill the "to_district" field with the Iso codes of the district from where the product arrives.
Download the list of districts.
Examples : "AL-11" or "FR-GES"
Type : string
Required : yes if the to_country is USA, CAN or BRA.
"products" / "included_tax"
If you fill with true, we consider that the product(s) price is tax incl. so we will deduct the taxes attached to the departure country from the duties & taxes amount. If you fill with false or no value, we consider that the product(s) price is tax excl.Examples : true or false
Type : boolean
Required : yes
"products" / "incoterm"
2 choices : if it's CIF, we calcul the duties and taxes on product(s) and shipping price(s). If it's FOB, only on product(s).Examples : CIF or FOB
Type : string
Required : yes (by default fill the field with CIF)
"products" / "sender" / "pro"
You need to fill the "pro" field with true or false dependind if the sender is a business company or not.
Type : boolean
Required : yes
"products" / "sender" / "revenue_country_annual"
You need to fill the "revenue_country_annual" field with a number.
Examples : 34560 or 234567.98
Type : number
Required : yes if "sender" / "pro" field is "true" and that "to_country" field is an european country.
You need to fill the "currency_global_ship_price" field with a currency iso Alpha 3.
Download the list of currencies.
Examples : "USD" or "AUD"
Type : string
Required : yes if "sender" / "pro" field is "true" and that "to_country" field is an european country.
"products" / "transit_fees" / "percentage"
You can fill the "percentage" field of your duty fees.
Examples : "0.01" or "0.3" (0.01 = 1% / 0.3 = 30%)
Type : number
Required : optional
"products" / "transit_fees" / "amount"
You can fill the "amount" field of your duty fees.
Examples : "10" or "29.99"
Type : number
Required : optional
"products" / "transit_fees" / "currency"
You can fill the "amount" field of your duty fees.
Examples : "10" or "29.99"
Type : number
Required : optional (required if you fill "transit_fees" / "amount" field )
"products" / "transit_fees" / "on_products_price"
You have three choices : on_products_price / on_shipping_products_price / on_global
If on_products_price = true, the transit_fees will be calculated only on the price of product(s).
Examples : "true" or "false"
Type : boolean
Required : optional but required if you fill "transit_fees" / "percentage" or "transit_fees" / "amount"
You have three choices : on_products_price / on_shipping_products_price / on_global
If on_shipping_products_price = true, the transit_fees will be calculated only on the price of shipping.
Examples : "true" or "false"
Type : booleanRequired : optional but required if you fill "transit_fees" / "percentage" or "transit_fees" / "amount"
"products" / "transit_fees" / "on_global"
You have three choices : on_products_price / on_shipping_products_price / on_global
If on_global = true, the transit_fees will be calculated only on the price of product(s) and the shipping.
Examples : "true" or "false"
Type : booleanRequired : optional but required if you fill "transit_fees" / "percentage" or "transit_fees" / "amount"
You need to fill the "from_country" field with the Iso Alpha 2 or 3 from where the product is sent.
Download the list of countries.
Examples : "CHN"
Type : string
Required : yes
You need to fill the "to_country" field with the Iso Alpha 2 or 3 from where the product arrives.
Download the list of countries.
Examples : "GLP"Type : string
Required : yes
You need to fill the "to_district" field with the Iso codes of the district from where the product arrives.
Download the list of districts.
Examples : "AL-11" or "FR-GES"
Type : string
Required : yes if the to_country is USA, CAN or BRA.
GLOBAL : global shipping / ARTICLE : One ship price per article / GROUP : One ship price for all articles
Type : string
Required: yes
Type : string
Required: yes
You need to fill the "global_ship_price" field with a number.
Examples : 450 or 3451.87
Type : number
Required : yes if you fill "shipment_type" with GLOBAL.
You need to fill the "currency_global_ship_price" field of the product with a currency iso Alpha 3.
Download the list of currencies.
Examples : "USD" or "AUD"
Type : string
Required : yes if you fill "shipment_type" with GLOBAL.
You need to fill the "global_packaging_price" field with a number.
Examples : 450 or 3451.87
Type : number
Required : yes if you fill "shipment_type" with GLOBAL.
You need to fill the "currency_global_packaging_price" field of the product with a currency iso Alpha 3.
Download the list of currencies.
Examples : "USD" or "AUD"
Type : string
Required : yes if you fill "shipment_type" with GLOBAL.
You need to fill the "global_insurance_price" field with a number.
Examples : 450 or 3451.87
Type : number
Required : yes if you fill "shipment_type" with GLOBAL.
You need to fill the "currency_global_insurance_price" field of the product with a currency iso Alpha 3.
Download the list of currencies.
Examples : "USD" or "AUD"
Type : string
Required : yes if you fill "shipment_type" with GLOBAL.
If you fill with true, we consider that the product(s) price is tax incl. so we will deduct the taxes attached to the departure country from the duties & taxes amount. If you fill with false or no value, we consider that the product(s) price is tax excl.Examples : true or false
Type : boolean
Required : yes
2 choices : if it's CIF, we calcul the duties and taxes on product(s) and shipping price(s). If it's FOB, only on product(s).Examples : CIF or FOB
Type : string
Required : yes (by default fill the field with CIF)
You can add extra fees to duties & taxes amount. You need to fill the "extra_fees" field with a number. Examples : 0.02 or 0.1 (0.02 = 2% / 0.1 = 10%)
Type : number
Required : optional
"sender" / "pro"
You need to fill the "pro" field with true or false dependind if the sender is a business company or not.
Type : boolean
Required : yes
"sender" / "revenue_country_annual"
You need to fill the "revenue_country_annual" field with a number.
Examples : 34560 or 234567.98
Type : number
Required : yes if "sender" / "pro" field is "true" and that "to_country" field is an european country.
"sender" / "currency_revenue_country_annual"
You need to fill the "currency_global_ship_price" field with a currency iso Alpha 3.
Download the list of currencies.
Examples : "USD" or "AUD"
Type : string
Required : yes if "sender" / "pro" field is "true" and that "to_country" field is an european country.
"receiver" / "pro"
You need to fill the "pro" field by "true" or "false" dependind if the receiver is a business company or not.
Type : boolean
Required : yes
"receiver" / "activity_id"
You need to fill the "activity_id" field with an activity code.
Download the list of companies activities.
Examples : "0112Z" or "7161A"
Type : string
Required : yes if "receiver" / "pro" field is "true".
"transit_fees" / "percentage"
You can fill the "percentage" field of your duty fees.
Examples : "0.01" or "0.3" (0.01 = 1% / 0.3 = 30%)
Type : number
Required : optional
"transit_fees" / "amount"
You can fill the "amount" field of your duty fees.
Examples : "10" or "29.99"
Type : number
Required : optional
"transit_fees" / "currency"
You can fill the "amount" field of your duty fees.
Examples : "10" or "29.99"
Type : number
Required : optional (required if you fill "transit_fees" / "amount" field )
"transit_fees" / "on_products_price"
You have three choices : on_products_price / on_shipping_products_price / on_global
If on_products_price = true, the transit_fees will be calculated only on the price of product(s).
Examples : "true" or "false"
Type : boolean
Required : optional but required if you fill "transit_fees" / "percentage" or "transit_fees" / "amount"
"transit_fees" / "on_shipping_products_price"
You have three choices : on_products_price / on_shipping_products_price / on_global
If on_shipping_products_price = true, the transit_fees will be calculated only on the price of shipping.
Examples : "true" or "false"
Type : booleanRequired : optional but required if you fill "transit_fees" / "percentage" or "transit_fees" / "amount"
"transit_fees" / "on_global"
You have three choices : on_products_price / on_shipping_products_price / on_global
If on_global = true, the transit_fees will be calculated only on the price of product(s) and the shipping.
Examples : "true" or "false"
Type : booleanRequired : optional but required if you fill "transit_fees" / "percentage" or "transit_fees" / "amount"
It exist many possibilities. Please book a call with our support team.
Response fields & values
"products" / "identification" / "type"
The value is HSCODE
File type : string
"products" / "identification" / "value"
The value is the product's HSCode. A code between 8 and 13 digits.
File type : string
"products" / "product_statut"
The value is the product's statut : Authorized, Restricted or Prohibited for importation
File type : string
"products" / "amount_exclusive"
The value is the amount of the product excluding duty and taxes.
File type : number
"products" / "amount_inclusive_vat"
The value is the amount of the product including vat taxes.
File type : number
"products" / "amount_duty_and_tax"
The value is the amount of duty and taxes
File type : number
"products" / "amount_total"
The value is total amount of product including duty and taxes
File type : number
"products" / "product_co2"
The value is the CO2 weight of 1kg of the product.
File type : number
"products" / "percentage_duty_and_tax"
The value is the percentage of duty and taxes on product's amount.
File type : number
"products" / "transit_fees" / "amount"
The value is the amount of your carrier transit fees by product. The currency of this amount depends on "currency_unit_price".
Examples : 16.75 or 80
File type : number
"products" / "duty" / "label"
The value is the label "DUTY"
File type : string
"products" / "duty" / "percentage"
The value is the percentage (%) of custom duties called "DUTY"
Examples : 10 or 3.5
File type : number
"products" / "duty" / "product_taxes_amount"
The value is the amount of : ("unit_price" x "products" / "duty" / "percentage"). The currency of this amount depends on "currency_unit_price".
Examples : 12.87 or 20
File type : number
"products" / "duty" / "shipping_taxes_amount"
The value is the amount of : ("unit_ship_price" x "products" / "duty" / "percentage"). The currency of this amount depends on "currency_unit_ship_price".
Examples : 45.89 or 90
File type : number
"products" / "duty" / "packaging_taxes_amount"
The value is the amount of : ("unit_packaging_price" x "products" / "duty" / "percentage"). The currency of this amount depends on "currency_unit_ship_price".
Examples : 45.89 or 90
File type : number
"products" / "duty" / "insurance_taxes_amount"
The value is the amount of : ("unit_insurance_price" x "products" / "duty" / "percentage"). The currency of this amount depends on "currency_unit_ship_price".
Examples : 45.89 or 90
File type : number
"products" / "duty" / "vat_product_taxes_amount"
The value is the amount of : (("unit_price" x "products" / "duty" / "percentage")) x "vat" / "percentage". The currency of this amount depends on "currency_unit_price".
Examples : 12.87 or 20
File type : number
"products" / "duty" / "vat_shipping_taxes_amount"
The value is the amount of : (("unit_ship_price" x "products" / "duty" / "percentage")) x "vat" / "percentage". The currency of this amount depends on "currency_unit_ship_price".
Examples : 45.89 or 90
File type : number
The value is the amount of : (("unit_packaging_price" x "products" / "duty" / "percentage")) x "vat" / "percentage". The currency of this amount depends on "currency_unit_ship_price".
Examples : 45.89 or 90
File type : number
The value is the amount of : (("unit_insurance_price" x "products" / "duty" / "percentage")) x "vat" / "percentage". The currency of this amount depends on "currency_unit_ship_price".
Examples : 45.89 or 90
File type : number
"products" / "duty" / "vat_taxes_amount"
The value is the amount of vat on "duty" taxes:
Examples : 5.39 or 21
File type : number
"products" / "duty" / "agreement"
The value is the agreement name between "from_country" to "to_country".
Examples : "Preferential tariff for ..."
File type : number
"products" / "vat" / "label"
The value is the label of VAT tax. It depends on the "to_country" field in the request.
Examples : vat or gstFile type : string
"products" / "vat" / "percentage"
The value is the percentage (%) of VAT tax.
Examples : 3 or 1.5
File type : number
"products" / "vat" / "product_taxes_amount"
The value is the amount of : ("unit_price" x "products" / "vat" / "percentage"). The currency of this amount depends on "currency_unit_ship_price".
Examples : 3.45 or 2
File type : number
"products" / "vat" / "shipping_taxes_amount"
The value is the amount of : ("unit_ship_price" x "products" / "vat" / "percentage"). The currency of this amount depends on "currency_unit_ship_price".
Examples : 2.88 or 9
File type : number
"products" / "vat" / "packaging_taxes_amount"
The value is the amount of : ("unit_packaging_price" x "products" / "vat" / "percentage"). The currency of this amount depends on "currency_unit_ship_price".
Examples : 2.88 or 9
File type : number
"products" / "vat" / "insurance_taxes_amount"
The value is the amount of : ("unit_insurance_price" x "products" / "vat" / "percentage"). The currency of this amount depends on "currency_unit_ship_price".
Examples : 2.88 or 9
File type : number
"products" / "vat" / "message"
The message is the VAT, GST, IVA, TVA, ... rule.
Examples : No VAT for this company's activity
File type : string
"products" / "special_taxes" / "label"
The value is the label of the special tax. It depends on the "to_country" field in the request.
Examples : om or omrFile type : string
"products" / "special_taxes" / "percentage"
The value is the percentage (%) of the special tax.
Examples : 3.1 or 1.9
File type : number
The value is the amount of : ("unit_price" x "products" / "special_taxes" / "percentage"). The currency of this amount depends on "currency_unit_ship_price".
Examples : 5.45 or 8
File type : number
The value is the amount of : ("unit_ship_price" x "products" / "special_taxes" / "percentage"). The currency of this amount depends on "currency_unit_ship_price".
Examples : 2.18 or 4
File type : number
The value is the amount of : ("unit_packaging_price" x "products" / "special_taxes" / "percentage"). The currency of this amount depends on "currency_unit_ship_price".
Examples : 2.18 or 4
File type : number
The value is the amount of : ("unit_insurance_price" x "products" / "special_taxes" / "percentage"). The currency of this amount depends on "currency_unit_ship_price".
Examples : 2.18 or 4
File type : number
The value is the amount of : (("unit_price" x "products" / "special_taxes" / "percentage") x "vat" / "percentage"). The currency of this amount depends on "currency_unit_ship_price".
Examples : 5.45 or 8
File type : number
The value is the amount of : (("unit_ship_price" x "products" / "special_taxes" / "percentage") x "vat" / "percentage"). The currency of this amount depends on "currency_unit_ship_price".
Examples : 2.18 or 4
File type : number
The value is the amount of : (("unit_packaging_price" x "products" / "special_taxes" / "percentage") x "vat" / "percentage"). The currency of this amount depends on "currency_unit_ship_price".
Examples : 2.18 or 4
File type : number
The value is the amount of : (("unit_insurance_price" x "products" / "special_taxes" / "percentage") x "vat" / "percentage"). The currency of this amount depends on "currency_unit_ship_price".
Examples : 2.18 or 4
File type : number
"products" / "special_taxes" / "vat_taxes_amount"
The value is the amount of vat on "special_taxes" taxes:Examples : 2.33 or 8
File type : number
"products" / "special_taxes" / "message"
The message is the specials taxes rule.
Examples : No taxes between the from and to country
File type : string
"shipping_global" / "duty" / "label"
The value is the label "DUTY"
File type : string
"shipping_global" / "duty" / "percentage"
The value is the percentage (%) of custom duties called "DUTY"
Examples : 10 or 3.5
File type : number
The value is the amount of : ("global_ship_price" x "shipping_global" / "duty" / "percentage"). The currency of this amount depends on "currency_global_ship_price".
Examples : 1.87 or 20
File type : number
The value is the amount of : ("unit_ship_price" x "products" / "duty" / "percentage"). The currency of this amount depends on "currency_unit_ship_price".
Examples : 45.89 or 90
File type : number
The value is the amount of : ("unit_packaging_price" x "products" / "duty" / "percentage"). The currency of this amount depends on "currency_unit_ship_price".
Examples : 45.89 or 90
File type : number
The value is the amount of : ("unit_insurance_price" x "products" / "duty" / "percentage"). The currency of this amount depends on "currency_unit_ship_price".
Examples : 45.89 or 90
File type : number
The value is the amount of : (("unit_price" x "products" / "duty" / "percentage")) x "vat" / "percentage". The currency of this amount depends on "currency_unit_price".
Examples : 12.87 or 20
File type : number
The value is the amount of : (("unit_ship_price" x "products" / "duty" / "percentage")) x "vat" / "percentage". The currency of this amount depends on "currency_unit_ship_price".
Examples : 45.89 or 90
File type : number
The value is the amount of : (("unit_packaging_price" x "products" / "duty" / "percentage")) x "vat" / "percentage". The currency of this amount depends on "currency_unit_ship_price".
Examples : 45.89 or 90
File type : number
The value is the amount of : (("unit_insurance_price" x "products" / "duty" / "percentage")) x "vat" / "percentage". The currency of this amount depends on "currency_unit_ship_price".
Examples : 45.89 or 90
File type : number
"shipping_global" / "duty" / "vat_taxes_amount"
The value is the amount of vat on "duty" taxes:
Examples : 5.39 or 21
File type : number
"shipping_global" / "duty" / "agreement"
The value is the agreement name between "from_country" to "to_country".
Examples : "Preferential tariff for ..."
File type : number
"shipping_global" / "vat" / "label"
The value is the label of VAT tax. It depends on the "to_country" field in the request.
Examples : vat or gstFile type : string
"shipping_global" / "vat" / "percentage"
The value is the percentage (%) of VAT tax.
Examples : 3 or 1.5
File type : number
The value is the amount of : ("global_ship_price" x "shipping_global" / "vat" / "percentage"). The currency of this amount depend of "currency_global_ship_price".
Examples : 345 or 29.99
File type : number
The value is the amount of : ("unit_ship_price" x "products" / "vat" / "percentage"). The currency of this amount depends on "currency_unit_ship_price".
Examples : 2.88 or 9
File type : number
The value is the amount of : ("unit_packaging_price" x "products" / "vat" / "percentage"). The currency of this amount depends on "currency_unit_ship_price".
Examples : 2.88 or 9
File type : number
The value is the amount of : ("unit_insurance_price" x "products" / "vat" / "percentage"). The currency of this amount depends on "currency_unit_ship_price".
Examples : 2.88 or 9
File type : number
"shipping_global" / "vat" / "message"
The message is the VAT, GST, IVA, TVA, ... rule.
Examples : No VAT for this company's activity
File type : string
"shipping_global" / "special_taxes" / "label"
The value is the label of special taxe. It depends on the "to_country" field in the request.
Examples : om or omrFile type : string
The value is the amount of : ("global_ship_price" x "products" / "special_taxes" / "percentage"). The currency of this amount depends on "currency_global_ship_price".
Examples : 5.45 or 8
File type : number
The value is the amount of : ("global_ship_price" x "shipping_global" / "duty" / "percentage"). The currency of this amount depends on "currency_global_ship_price".
Examples : 1.87 or 20
File type : number
The value is the amount of : ("unit_ship_price" x "products" / "duty" / "percentage"). The currency of this amount depends on "currency_unit_ship_price".
Examples : 45.89 or 90
File type : number
The value is the amount of : ("unit_packaging_price" x "products" / "duty" / "percentage"). The currency of this amount depends on "currency_unit_ship_price".
Examples : 45.89 or 90
File type : number
The value is the amount of : ("unit_insurance_price" x "products" / "duty" / "percentage"). The currency of this amount depends on "currency_unit_ship_price".
Examples : 45.89 or 90
File type : number
The value is the amount of : (("unit_price" x "products" / "duty" / "percentage")) x "vat" / "percentage". The currency of this amount depends on "currency_unit_price".
Examples : 12.87 or 20
File type : number
The value is the amount of : (("unit_ship_price" x "products" / "duty" / "percentage")) x "vat" / "percentage". The currency of this amount depends on "currency_unit_ship_price".
Examples : 45.89 or 90
File type : number
The value is the amount of : (("unit_packaging_price" x "products" / "duty" / "percentage")) x "vat" / "percentage". The currency of this amount depends on "currency_unit_ship_price".
Examples : 45.89 or 90
File type : number
The value is the amount of : (("unit_insurance_price" x "products" / "duty" / "percentage")) x "vat" / "percentage". The currency of this amount depends on "currency_unit_ship_price".
Examples : 45.89 or 90
File type : number
"packaging_global" / "duty" / "vat_taxes_amount"
The value is the amount of vat on "duty" taxes:
Examples : 5.39 or 21
File type : number
"packaging_global" / "duty" / "agreement"
The value is the agreement name between "from_country" to "to_country".
Examples : "Preferential tariff for ..."
File type : number
"packaging_global" / "vat" / "label"
The value is the label of VAT tax. It depends on the "to_country" field in the request.
Examples : vat or gstFile type : string
"packaging_global" / "vat" / "percentage"
The value is the percentage (%) of VAT tax.
Examples : 3 or 1.5
File type : number
The value is the amount of : ("global_ship_price" x "shipping_global" / "vat" / "percentage"). The currency of this amount depend of "currency_global_ship_price".
Examples : 345 or 29.99
File type : number
The value is the amount of : ("unit_ship_price" x "products" / "vat" / "percentage"). The currency of this amount depends on "currency_unit_ship_price".
Examples : 2.88 or 9
File type : number
The value is the amount of : ("unit_packaging_price" x "products" / "vat" / "percentage"). The currency of this amount depends on "currency_unit_ship_price".
Examples : 2.88 or 9
File type : number
The value is the amount of : ("unit_insurance_price" x "products" / "vat" / "percentage"). The currency of this amount depends on "currency_unit_ship_price".
Examples : 2.88 or 9
File type : number
"packaging_global" / "vat" / "message"
The message is the VAT, GST, IVA, TVA, ... rule.
Examples : No VAT for this company's activity
File type : string
"packaging_global" / "special_taxes" / "label"
The value is the label of special taxe. It depends on the "to_country" field in the request.
Examples : om or omrFile type : string
The value is the amount of : ("global_ship_price" x "products" / "special_taxes" / "percentage"). The currency of this amount depends on "currency_global_ship_price".
Examples : 5.45 or 8
File type : number
The value is the amount of : ("global_ship_price" x "shipping_global" / "duty" / "percentage"). The currency of this amount depends on "currency_global_ship_price".
Examples : 1.87 or 20
File type : number
The value is the amount of : ("unit_ship_price" x "products" / "duty" / "percentage"). The currency of this amount depends on "currency_unit_ship_price".
Examples : 45.89 or 90
File type : number
The value is the amount of : ("unit_packaging_price" x "products" / "duty" / "percentage"). The currency of this amount depends on "currency_unit_ship_price".
Examples : 45.89 or 90
File type : number
The value is the amount of : ("unit_insurance_price" x "products" / "duty" / "percentage"). The currency of this amount depends on "currency_unit_ship_price".
Examples : 45.89 or 90
File type : number
The value is the amount of : (("unit_price" x "products" / "duty" / "percentage")) x "vat" / "percentage". The currency of this amount depends on "currency_unit_price".
Examples : 12.87 or 20
File type : number
The value is the amount of : (("unit_ship_price" x "products" / "duty" / "percentage")) x "vat" / "percentage". The currency of this amount depends on "currency_unit_ship_price".
Examples : 45.89 or 90
File type : number
The value is the amount of : (("unit_packaging_price" x "products" / "duty" / "percentage")) x "vat" / "percentage". The currency of this amount depends on "currency_unit_ship_price".
Examples : 45.89 or 90
File type : number
The value is the amount of : (("unit_insurance_price" x "products" / "duty" / "percentage")) x "vat" / "percentage". The currency of this amount depends on "currency_unit_ship_price".
Examples : 45.89 or 90
File type : number
"insurance_global" / "duty" / "vat_taxes_amount"
The value is the amount of vat on "duty" taxes:
Examples : 5.39 or 21
File type : number
"insurance_global" / "duty" / "agreement"
The value is the agreement name between "from_country" to "to_country".
Examples : "Preferential tariff for ..."
File type : number
"insurance_global" / "vat" / "label"
The value is the label of VAT tax. It depends on the "to_country" field in the request.
Examples : vat or gstFile type : string
"insurance_global" / "vat" / "percentage"
The value is the percentage (%) of VAT tax.
Examples : 3 or 1.5
File type : number
The value is the amount of : ("global_ship_price" x "shipping_global" / "vat" / "percentage"). The currency of this amount depend of "currency_global_ship_price".
Examples : 345 or 29.99
File type : number
The value is the amount of : ("unit_ship_price" x "products" / "vat" / "percentage"). The currency of this amount depends on "currency_unit_ship_price".
Examples : 2.88 or 9
File type : number
The value is the amount of : ("unit_packaging_price" x "products" / "vat" / "percentage"). The currency of this amount depends on "currency_unit_ship_price".
Examples : 2.88 or 9
File type : number
The value is the amount of : ("unit_insurance_price" x "products" / "vat" / "percentage"). The currency of this amount depends on "currency_unit_ship_price".
Examples : 2.88 or 9
File type : number
"insurance_global" / "vat" / "message"
The message is the VAT, GST, IVA, TVA, ... rule.
Examples : No VAT for this company's activity
File type : string
"insurance_global" / "special_taxes" / "label"
The value is the label of special taxe. It depends on the "to_country" field in the request.
Examples : om or omrFile type : string
The value is the amount of : ("global_ship_price" x "products" / "special_taxes" / "percentage"). The currency of this amount depends on "currency_global_ship_price".
Examples : 5.45 or 8
File type : number
The value is the amount of vat on "special_taxes" shipping taxes:Examples : 2.33 or 8
File type : number
"transit_fees_global" / "amount"
The value is the amount of your carrier duty fees for global order. The currency of this amount depends on "currency_unit_price".
Examples : 16.75 or 80
File type : number
The value is the value of "incoterm" in your request.Examples : CIF or FOB
Type : string
"extra_fees" / "percentage"
The value is the percentage of you account's extra fees.Examples : 20
Type : number
"extra_fees" / "amount"
The value is the amount of extra fees on duty and taxes total.Examples : 0.76
Type : number
"extra_fees" / "currency"
The value is the currency of extra fees of duty and taxes total.Examples : EUR
Type : string
"global" / "amount"
The value is the sum of all amount fields.
Examples : 1675 or 80.98
File type : number
"global" / "amount_exclusive"
The value is the global sum excluding duty and taxes.
Examples : 1675 or 80.98
File type : number
"global" / "amount_inclusive_vat"
The value is the global sum including vat taxes.
Examples : 1675 or 80.98
File type : number
"global" / "amount_total"
The value is the global sum including duty and taxes.
Examples : 1675 or 80.98
File type : number
"global" / "amout_duty_and_tax"
The value is the global sum of duty and taxes.
Examples : 1675 or 80.98
File type : number
"global" / "percentage_duty_and_tax"
The value is the percentage of duty and taxes on the global sum.
Examples : 1675 or 80.98
File type : number
"global" / "amount_ecoTax"
The value is the amount of eco taxe.
Examples : 2,67File type : number
"global" / "products_co2"
The value is the CO2 weight of 1kg of the product + the CO2 of shipping, packaging and insurance.
File type : number
The value is a time stamp.
Examples :1635349537562File type : number
JSON Examples - Request & Response
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